5 Points to consider while taking 360 Photos in 360 Cameras.
5 Points to consider while taking 360 Photos in 360 Cameras.

5 Points to consider while taking 360 Photos in 360 Cameras.

I have been taking 360 photos using 360 camera from past one and half years. It has been mostly a trial and error method through which I improved my skill in taking 360 photos. In this post, I will be sharing my top 5 points to consider while we take 360 Photos using 360 camera.

#1 – Lighting – This is the first point which comes to my mind while I take 360 Photos. I use Ricoh Theta V for taking 360 photos, I have noticed that the lighting plays a vital role in the quality of the 360 photos which I take. So make sure that the lighting is proper in your place while taking photos. Natural light is highly recommended but also enough Artificial light also will give the great quality.

#2 – Placing – If you take a 360 photos, you have to keep in my mind that on which exact place you want to take 360 photo, always locate the 360 camera leaving enough gap on all the sides so that the photo has a clear details of that location and it will make the viewer to understand that place through your 360 photo.

#3 – Avoiding Objects near to camera – While taking 360 photos, if there is any objects very near to camera, try to relocate the object or relocate the 360 camera itself where there is no nearby object. The reason is, if any object is near to camera, it will cover most area in your 360 photo and the important thing is that the more the object near to camera, the more area will be covered with this object in the 360 photo. If a person standing near to camera, you can suggest them to move aside for a while so that you can take 360 photo or you can relocate your camera.

#4 – Using Uni Stand for taking 360 photos – Uni stand are best way to take a professional 360 photos of a place. You can go little far from the camera and can access your 360 camera from your mobile and take photos with it. One more main reason for using Uni Stand is that, it will take a less base area in your 360 photo which will give the viewer to virtually experience the place as it is.

#5 – Using Snapseed to hide Uni Stand – I suggest you to use Google Snapseed Application to edit your 360 photo especially for hiding the Uni Stand (or base area itself if not using Uni stand). For that, you have to use Healing Option under the Tools tab. It will hide the Uni Stand which will give a very professional look for your 360 photo.

Above points are my suggestions from my experience in taking 360 photos. Hope you like this post. Thanks for reading. Let me know your comments.

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