What is a 360 Photo and how to take 360 Photos? Simple Step by Step Guide
What is a 360 Photo and how to take 360 Photos? Simple Step by Step Guide

What is a 360 Photo and how to take 360 Photos? Simple Step by Step Guide

Let me start this post on telling you about what is a 360 photo

360 Photo also called Photosphere which let us view a place in 360 degree. Photograph is two dimensional whereas Photosphere is three dimensional. For example, a circle which is a two dimensional object will be called as a sphere in three dimension. There is nothing like behind the lens in 360 Photo. It is as if you are standing in that place and it lets you rotate and see but without moving from the place where that 360 photo is taken.

As you may now get an idea about what is a 360 Photo, let me tell you on how to take 360 photos.

A 360 photo can be taken from different devices such as Mobiles, 360 cameras, even DSLRs, etc.

Let me give a brief idea on how to take 360 photos using Mobile.

For taking 360 photos using mobile, it requires gyroscope sensor in mobile. If your mobile has gyroscope sensor, you are good to go on taking 360 photos using mobile. You may need to install Google Street View Application and it will let you take 360 photos and you need to make sure you are not publishing the 360 photos in Google Street View if you have taken for your requirement and if interested in publishing it in Google Street View.

To know more on how to take 360 Photos using Mobile, you can check out this post on How to take How to take 360 Photos in Mobiles using Google Street View? A Step By Step Guide.

Lets see how we can take 360 photos using a 360 Camera

There are varied 360 camera in the market which we can use for taking 360 photos and I use Ricoh Theta V for taking 360 Photos. I connect my 360 Camera with my mobile via Wi-Fi and once connected using the Theta app which I downloaded from play store and I take 360 photos from it and please note that we can take 360 photos from Street View app also using 360 camera. I use Unistand to place 360 Camera while taking 360 Photos.

To know more on how to take 360 Photos using Mobile, you can check out this post on How to take 360 Photos in Ricoh Theta V and upload to Street View?

Lets see a brief overview on how to take 360 photos using DSLR

For taking 360 photos using DSLR, you may need some additional tools which are mentioned below

  • Monopod (Unistand)/ Tripod
  • Panoramic Head
  • Fish Eye Lens
  • Shutter button(Optional but recommended)

In addition to these tools, you may also need to use software such as PTGUI, etc in order to stitch the multiple photos taking from different angles and to make it single 360 photo. 

I will write a post about How to take 360 Photos using DSLR very soon and let me know in comments if you are interested in this topic. Thats it for this post. I hope this post is informative and do share your thoughts in the comments.

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