How to edit 360 Photos to hide base area using Healing option in Snapseed before uploading it to Street View?
How to edit 360 Photos to hide base area using Healing option in Snapseed before uploading it to Street View?

How to edit 360 Photos to hide base area using Healing option in Snapseed before uploading it to Street View?

Editing 360 photos especially hiding the base area before uploading to Street View plays a vital role in having a professional look for your 360 photos.

I was using a 360 camera stick to take 360 photos initially but for that, I have to hold it above my head so that it covers the place properly. But I realized it doesn’t professional 360 feel as I can see myself holding it when open the 360 photos.

I searched for ways to hide the base area and I got to know about Google Snapseed and how we can use the Healing option which helps me hide the base area. I right away started using it. 

Healing option will hide the area which you select and it works based on how nearby place looks in the 360 photos, it will give that same look in the selected area.

Healing option is available under the Snapseed Application under the Tools tab.  I edit my 360 photos just for using healing option and hide the required area and export it. The exported 360 photos will be stored in our device. We have to import it to Street View Application and publish it.

It helped me hide the base area but using a stick for taking 360 photos, I had to hide most of the base area. So I started using Uni Stand for taking 360 photos which helped me get a very professional feel as the area it takes using a Uni Stand very less compared to using the 360 camera stick and holding it above me. Hope you like this post. Thanks for reading. Let me know your comments.

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